While the Plainfield Park District had no role in developing the program for Pride Fest, the Board of Commissioners considers itself an ally to Plainfield Pride and generally supported the Pride Fest.
This was Pride Fest’s inaugural year and with that, the Board’s intent was to support Plainfield Pride in making this event very successful. While not the host of Pride Fest, the Park District’s goal was to encourage broader community support and acceptance of the natural diversity occurring within Plainfield.
The Board received concerns from its constituency regarding some of the programmed elements, ultimately detracting from the overall goal of the fest, which again was to create an opportunity for celebration, tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion by the broader community.
However, despite both our good intentions, even in the wake of intense public scrutiny, and our good faith attempts to resolve concerns with the fest organizers, at the October 12, 2022, regular board meeting, the fest organizers threatened to sue the Plainfield Park District over the inclusion of the Drag Queen Story Hour for children. Rather than use taxpayer funds to engage in protracted and costly litigation, the Plainfield Park District will honor its contractual obligation to license space at the Prairie Activity & Recreation Center grounds to fest organizers.
This decision was based on the Board’s consideration of all relevant factors, including but not limited to the possibility of costly litigation, which would be a detriment to the Park District as a whole. In making this decision and in making all decisions, the Board of Commissioners always seek to do what is best for the Park District and its residents. We understand that not all residents are happy with this decision, but it is our sincere hope that the community can come together and heal.